5 Micro Workouts to Transform Your Day in Under 20 Minutes

5 Micro Workouts to Transform Your Day in Under 20 Minutes

Do you keep looking for the right time to fit in a long workout but can’t seem to do so? Well, go for the micro workouts. These are fast exercise sessions that last for 20 minutes or less and are meant to be integrated into your busy schedule with ease. They can make you fitter; build your muscles and increase your energy levels within a very short period of time. 

Micro workouts can easily be incorporated whether you’re at home, at the office, or even on a business trip. In this article, you will find out about five different dynamic micro-workouts that will change how you live every day and still keep you in shape without committing to the duration. But first, let’s discuss what micro workouts are.

What Are Micro-Workouts?

Micro workouts are short bursts of exercises that take not more than 20 minutes each. They differ from regular exercise in terms of time consumption. Skipping rope, squatting up and down as well as jogging on one point should be done alternatively with this activity throughout the day. 

By doing these activities frequently, we move all day long. You may choose to do them early in the morning, during lunch hour or even late into the night after work especially if it was a tough day for you.

The Benefits of Micro Workouts

There are many benefits of micro workouts. First, they help improve cardiovascular health. Doing intense exercise in short bursts gets your heart pumping. This is good for your heart. Secondly, micro workouts help build stronger muscles. Exercises like push-ups and squats target different muscle groups. 

Third, micro workouts reduce stress. Moving your body can make you feel happier and less anxious. Finally, these exercises are flexible. You can fit them into your busy day easily.

5 Micro Workout Programmes to Transform Your Day

1. 10-Minute Dumbbell Circuit

You can do a 10-Minute Dumbbell Circuit, a workout that uses dumbbells to develop power. The exercise involves bicep curls, tricep dips, and shoulder presses. Begin with bicep curls. Hold the dumbbell in each of your hands and bring them up towards your shoulders. Do this for 30 seconds. Then you should do tricep dips. Sit down on a chair with hands on the rim of the chair seat, slowly go down then raise again up. This should take you 30 seconds. 

Finally, do shoulder presses too where you hold your weights at the height of your shoulders and lift them up until they are straight above your face/head/above head level for 30 seconds as well. Repeat each one three times in circuit form following which it targets many muscle groups and enhances strength.

2. 7-Minute Cardio Blast

The perfect way to get an elevated heart rate is by using a 7 Minute Cardio Blast that contains jumping jacks, running in place, and stair climbing among other exercises . To start off, perform jumping jacks for one minute. Jump while spreading legs wide apart with arms reaching over head. 

Next is running on the spot for one minute. Run high knees and pump those arms. Then locate stairs you can climb to the summit as well as descend repeatedly over one whole minute. Repeat these exercises two times. This workout is good for improving cardiovascular health.

3. 5-Minute Core Workout

The core muscles are what the 5-Minute Core Workout aims at. Plank, Mountain Climbers and Russian Twists are incorporated in this workout. Begin with a plank exercise. Assume the push up position and maintain your body’s straightness. One minute is enough for this. 

Thereafter, engage in mountain climbing. While in the plank position pull each knee to your chest one by one, doing that for one minute. Lastly, do the Russian twists exercise. Sit on the floor bending your knees, slightly lean back and rotate your upper body left then rightwardly. Do it again within one minute. This routine will improve your posture as well as strengthen your core.

4. 8-Minute Kettlebell Routine

A kettlebell is used in the 8-Minute Kettlebell Routine. This begins by performing a workout that targets every muscle of your body. This workout combines goblet squats, kettlebell swings, and kettlebell rows. Begin with swing bells. Put both hands on the bell and raise it up to your chest from between your legs. Do this for one minute. And then it is time for goblet squats. Keep the bell at chest level while you squat down and up again for one minute. 

Lastly, do kettlebell rows. Bend forward, hold the kettlebell in one hand and pull it towards your chest area. Do this on one side alone for a full minute then switch sides and repeat with the other side also doing it for a whole minute as well until you finish all exercises once again. It develops power and increases stamina by doing this workout

5. 6-Minute Lower Body Blast

The six-minute lower body blast is designed to target your lower body muscles. The workout consists of squats, lunges, and calf raises. Begin with squats. With your feet about shoulder-width apart, stand and then try to let your body go downwards towards the floor as if you were sitting on a chair. This should be done for 1 minute. 

Proceed to lunges. Step forward with one leg and bend both knees until they reach 90 degrees. Do this for 1 minute on each leg. Lastly, calf raises are done while standing on one’s toes and lifting the heels off the ground carrying out these for one minute only replay these movements once nevertheless many times they can be repeated to see results.

How to Incorporate Micro Workouts into Your Daily Routine

Incorporating a micro workout routine into your day is a simple task. You could start your day with a short 5-minute exercise. You can do a 7-minute cardio session during lunch time. Finally, you can perform strength exercises using dumbbells or kettlebells for 10 minutes in the evening. These tiny actions spread out throughout the entire day will assist you to be active and fit. It is possible to remain on track even if you have little time due to your tight schedule.


Micro workouts are ideal for remaining fit and healthy even if you lead a very busy life. By using minimum equipment from Carbyne Fitness, you can incorporate these into your daily routine without any hassle. These five micro workouts can transform your day in less than 20 minutes if you make them part of a daily routine. 

Remember that consistency is key in fitness, so make exercising regularly a habit. These small bursts of activities ultimately translate into enormous workout performance enhancing your well-being in general. So start your own programme today by beginning with your micro workout-routine and stay active throughout the day.

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